Level 3 – Legging Into Synthetics In 3 Hours


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You likely know what a synthetic position is. Even if you are unclear on it, this class will clear things up for you, and show you the power that comes with knowing.

What will be presented:

  • Quick refresher on synthetics, and how they work.
  • Combing a stock and put position to create a free call.
  • Combing a stock and call position to create a free put.
  • Using both of the above positions to eliminate shares and create a free strangle.

This guide is much more simplified than what you may have learned in the Options Professional course. It will be much more visual as well, so don’t worry about the complexity.

Position’s Risk
Now obviously nothing is free in this world. Some things come as a cost and some as risk. The wonderful thing about this technique is that the risk is limited to a few seconds of time. From the time it takes to press the send button on one trade, and then the send button again on the second portion ā€“ that is the risk (if done correctly).

And while we are on the subject of legging, and time/market conditions permitting, I will throw in a bonus on legging butterflies spreads for about even money. This can only be done on stocks that are trading for a large price (eg AAPL, PCL, GOOG, etc.) and/or a high volatility (during earnings week). And even if there are no decent examples at the moment, I will go over at least a quick (30 min) analysis of when, where, why, and how to do it.

If you ever wanted to learn more about synthetics, why they are covered so much, and how to make them benefit you (even if you have no intention of trading them), this is the one time class for you. Enroll now before sold out. Thank you.

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