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Prepared by the good people at Random Walk, LLC. (and Scott)

Some VERY cool surprises coming in a couple of weeks.

Great Morning !

Closing Prices From Yesterdaymu1

Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 12.56.19 AMToday’s Number(s)Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 12.58.00 AM


Yesterday and TodayScreen Shot 2014-11-11 at 12.59.43 AM


Up as usual. We are in that old routine for the majority of the year where ever day we inch up a little. We will maybe even see 18,000 by X-mas. That is how stupid this market is. And with Friday’s jump higher in the bond market, it appears that fears of rising interest rates subsided a little.

ONE THING…we have to keep an eye on is escalation in the Ukraine again. More things are starting up in the Ukraine as Russia sent in more tanks and troops, but this was know on Friday and didn’t really rock the markets at all.


You have to peel away a layer of this onion to know that the chief beneficiary of low oil prices is the US and the one hurt the most is probably Russia. If the current administration was brighter I would give them huge kudos for orchestrating the pressure on Russia. But Russia has nothing to lose by taking the Ukraine. Form an objective point of view they could claim their going into the Ukraine to protect their interests are less invasive than the US being in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. So I don’t think the unofficial richest man in the world (Putin hides his money through stooges and friends) is really intimidated by the US, and that can lead to an escalation that can send our markets back a few percentage points.

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Contract the office at 1- 855 – RWT – 0008 for more details.

Lots of things to talk about. A separate update coming.  Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 6.57.28 AM

Too True To Be Funny

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It didn’t take long for the election jokes to start….
