Level I

While Level I gives you the “building blocks” of option trading, don’t think that makes it child’s play. Effective option trading education is established on a solid foundation that covers call option, put option, stock, and indexes. Like electrons, protons, and neutrons, these are the key components that form the whole trading universe—and once you master them, that universe will be yours to explore!

Objective: Begin by learning all about call option, put option, straddle, strangle, stocks, indexes, and call put spreads, as well as how to hedge your stock. All strategies come with a step-by-step criteria list to help you easily understand how some floor traders separate good and bad trades. You’re then poised to apply those same criteria to your trades moving forward, saving you time and headaches.

Suggested order of learning in  level 1

  1. Learn to buy and sell single  Call and Put Option .
  2. Learn to buy and sell Call Vertical Spread and Put Vertical Spread
  3. Learn to buy Protective Put for Stock portfolio ( Collars Strategy)
  4. Learn to buy Time spread with Call and Put